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Konu: kredi notu

  1. #1
    Üyelik tarihi
    Teşekkür / Beğeni

    Standart kredi notu

    Moody´s ABD´nin kredi notunu izlemeye alabilir

    Moody´s, ABD´nin gelecek haftalarda yasal borç limitini artırmazsa,
    ülkenin temerrüde düşme riski olduğunu belirtti. Moody´s, bu riskin
    oldukça küçük ancak artan bir risk olduğu kaydetti...

    Moody´s, konuya dair yaptığı açıklamada, Washington´da bütçe
    görüşmeleri konusunda Temmuz ortasına kadar ciddi bir ilerleme
    kaydedilmezse ABD´nin Aaa olan kredi notunu olası bir indirim için
    izlemeye alacağını kaydetti.

    Açıklamada, ´´Bütçe görüşmelerindeki açmazın büyümesi riski nedeniyle
    eğer görüşmelerde Temmuz ortasına dek ilerleme sağlandığına dair bir
    kanıt görülmezse böylesi bir harekete geçmemiz muhtemel´´ denildi...

  2. #2
    Üyelik tarihi
    Teşekkür / Beğeni


    Moody's Puts BofA, Wells Fargo And Citi On Downgrade Review: Cites
    Risk Of No Government Support, Mortgage Exposure As Risks

    Moody's Investors Service has placed the deposit, senior debt, and
    senior subordinated debt ratings of Bank of America Corporation (A2
    senior), Citigroup Inc. (A3 senior), Wells Fargo & Company (A1
    senior), and their subsidiaries on review for possible downgrade. Each
    of these ratings currently incorporates an unusual amount of "uplift"
    from Moody's systemic support assumptions that were increased during
    the financial crisis. The review will focus on whether these ratings
    should be adjusted to remove this unusual uplift and include only pre-
    crisis levels of government support. At the same time, Moody's said
    that it will assess improvements in Bank of America's and Citigroup's
    standalone financial strength, and that this may temper the extent of
    any ratings downgrades that could result from its review of these
    firms' unusual level of systemic support.

    Moody's also placed the Prime-1 ratings of Bank of America's and
    Citigroup's holding companies on review for possible downgrade. The
    Prime-1 rating of Wells Fargo's holding company, Wells Fargo &
    Company, was affirmed. Moody's also affirmed the Prime-1 ratings of
    all three companies' banking operations, including the Prime-1 ratings
    of Bank of America, N.A., Citibank, N.A., and Wells Fargo Bank N.A.

    These actions had no impact on the FDIC-guaranteed debt issued by
    these firms, which remain at Aaa with a stable outlook.


    Regulatory authorities continue to make progress in rulemaking,
    however, the final shape of the landscape remains uncertain. Today's
    rating actions reflect Moody's view that, in light of developments on
    the Dodd-Frank Act that have occurred to date, the unusual levels of
    uplift incorporated into the ratings of Bank of America, Citigroup,
    Wells Fargo may no longer be appropriate.

    "The US government's intent under Dodd-Frank is very clear," says
    Senior Vice President Sean Jones. "Going forward, it does not want to
    bail out even large, systemically important banking groups." Mr. Jones
    notes however that Moody's continues to believe that such a group
    could not be resolved without risking a disorderly disruption of the
    marketplace and the broader economy. "Even so, the support assumptions
    built into these three banks' ratings are unusually high, which may no
    longer be appropriate in the evolving post-crisis environment," added

    Moody's also continues to evaluate whether it should reduce to below
    even pre-crisis levels its support assumptions for the eight US banks
    that currently benefit from ratings uplift. In this context, the
    rating outlook on the deposit, senior debt, and senior subordinated
    debt ratings of Bank of New York Mellon has been changed to negative
    from stable. This brings its outlook into line with that of the other
    US banking groups whose debt and deposit ratings benefit from
    government support assumptions: JPMorgan Chase & Co, The Goldman Sachs
    Group, Inc., Morgan Stanley, and State Street Corporation.

    Unlike the three institutions placed on review today, the support
    assumptions incorporated into these five groups' ratings are not
    unusual -- they remain similar to, not higher than, what they were
    before the crisis. Although Moody's considers it unlikely that it will
    withdraw all government support from the ratings of these eight
    banking groups, the agency will continue to evaluate the amount of
    uplift derived from support assumptions as regulators write and
    promulgate rules and regulations that could increase their ability to
    resolve these institutions without triggering contagion and broader
    systemic risk.

    Given these potential developments, over time this could lead to
    Moody's reducing its support assumptions for these eight firms to
    below even pre-crisis levels.


    Moody's government support assumptions for Bank of America, Citigroup,
    and Wells Fargo are higher than what similarly rated institutions
    would have received prior to the crisis. For example, Bank of America
    N.A.'s and Citibank N.A.'s C- (C minus) unsupported BFSRs translate to
    a Baa2 rating on Moody's long-term debt scale; prior to the crisis a
    similarly rated, systemically important bank would typically have
    benefited from no more than three notches of uplift, meaning its
    ratings would be no higher than A2. Currently, Bank of America
    receives five and Citibank four notches of uplift from government
    support assumptions, bringing their senior ratings to Aa3 and A1,
    respectively. Wells Fargo's unsupported BFSR of C+ (C plus) translates
    to an A2 rating on Moody's long-term debt scale; prior to the crisis a
    similarly rated, systemically important bank would typically have
    received no more than two notches of uplift, to Aa3.
    Currently, Wells Fargo's Aa2 senior rating benefits from three notches
    of uplift.


    Moody's has affirmed the C- (C minus) standalone bank financial
    strength rating (BFSR) of each of Bank of America and Citigroup, and
    affirmed the C+ (C plus) BFSR of Wells Fargo. However, Moody's will
    consider whether there has been sufficient improvement in Bank of
    America's and Citigroup's financial strengths to warrant increasing
    their Baa2 Baseline Credit Assessments (BCAs) to Baa1. Consequently,
    certain of their hybrid securities were placed under review for
    possible upgrade. These ratings do not incorporate any systemic
    support uplift, so the review of their ratings will be focused on the
    assessment of these firms' standalone financial strength. In addition,
    to the extent that the BCAs are increased, this would temper the size
    of the potential downgrades to Bank of America's and Citigroup's debt
    and deposit ratings.

    During its assessment of Bank of America's and Citigroup's BCAs,
    Moody's will evaluate each bank's progress in improving its risk
    profile. Each of these banks have increased their equity through
    internal capital generation, and most of their asset quality
    indicators have improved. In addition, the costs related to
    repurchasing mortgages sold to third parties due to breaches in
    representations and warranties have stabilized at relatively modest
    levels for Citigroup, though Bank of America continues to experience a
    high level of repurchase costs, but has entered into settlements with
    the GSEs and Assured Guaranty that reduce its potential exposure to
    higher losses under a stress scenario.

    Despite this progress, these banks still have sizable residential
    mortgage exposures; their credit costs could therefore spike if the US
    economy were to contract again. Further, they continue to face
    litigation costs related to faulty foreclosure practices.

    "Other considerations will include the potential effectiveness of
    changes in risk management at Bank of America and Citigroup, given
    their poor performance during the credit crisis and their still
    sizable capital market activities, which we view as both opaque and
    volatile," Jones says, "while ongoing capital plans will also be
    important in our assessment."

  3. #3
    Üyelik tarihi
    Teşekkür / Beğeni


    Moody's Bank of America, Wells Fargo ve Citibank'ın notlarını muhtemel bir indirim için izlemeye aldı/RTS

  4. #4
    Üyelik tarihi
    Teşekkür / Beğeni


    ABD: Moody´s uyarısı borçlanma tavanı için harekete geçilmesi
    gerektiğini gösteriyor

    ABD Hazine Bakan Yardımcısı Mary Miller, Moody´s Investors Service´in
    ABD´nin kredi notunu olası bir indirim için izlemeye alabileceği
    yönündeki uyarısının, ABD Kongresi´nin federal hükümetin yasal
    borçlanma limitini artırmak konusunda acele etmesi gereğini ortaya
    koyduğunu bildirdi..

    Miller yaptığı açıklamada, "Moody´s açıklaması, Kongre´nin ABD´nin tüm
    yükümlülüklerine karşılayabilmesini sağlamak için hızlı hareket etmesi
    ihtiyacının altını çizdi" diye konuştu...

  5. #5
    Üyelik tarihi
    Teşekkür / Beğeni


  6. #6
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    ABD nin notu düşrülmüş

    JAPONYA nın notu düşürülmüş


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